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Trust & Betrayal in Workplace
D. Reina Wydawnictwo: inne

In today's competitive global economy, organisations sometimes must make difficult or even painful changes. For them to be successful, it is vital that people trust each other. Trust an Betrayal in the Workplace... czytaj dalej

Innovation Dynamism & Economic Growth a Nonlinear Perspec
Hirooka Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'I think this book is a great achievement. It is packed with useful information and thought-provoking analysis and discussion. The work on technological development is, especially, a very valuable original... czytaj dalej

Rights Resources & Rural Development
Ch Fabricius Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) refers to rural people managing and using natural resources to enhance their livelihoods. It is now widely recognized that much if the Earth's biodiversity... czytaj dalej

Integracja europejska
Grabowska Marta (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Podręcznik przeznaczony jest w pierwszym rzędzie dla studentów kierunku "stosunki międzynarodowe". Jego struktura dostosowana jest do sylabusa tego przedmiotu, opracowanego przez Ministerstwo Edukacji... czytaj dalej

T. Bhaumik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The WTO" narrates the story of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with a view to finding a solution to the unproductive conflicts hampering its functioning. The author ably captures the tensions... czytaj dalej

From Ice Cream to the Internet
S. Shane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this book, Dr. Scott A. Shane systematically helps businesses assess the pros and cons of the decision to franchise.  This book focuses squarely on the issues and challenges faced by franchisors. Shane answers... czytaj dalej

Managing Human Resources
D. Balkin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate or graduate level Introduction to Human Resource Management courses. This book covers all of the core HR topics, while taking a "non-functional" approach that shows the relevance... czytaj dalej

Key Issues In Organizational Communication
D. Tourish Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is often said that the practice of management is in crisis. Managers are finding it harder than ever to develop strategies which withstand the shocks of the marketplace, as they reach for prescriptions for... czytaj dalej

Irwin Guide to "Wall St Journal"
Lehmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The bestselling guidebook to the world's most trusted newspaper, now fully revised and updated The Wall Street Journal has long been an essential daily business resource, and since 1984, The Irwin Guide to... czytaj dalej