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Central Asia
A. Cheneviere Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Travel photographer and explorer, Alain Cheneviere, documents the culture, life and panorama of the Central Asian republics of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the autonomous... czytaj dalej

Earth from the Air
A. Bertrand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the bestselling author and photographer of 'Earth From the Air' comes a small book of postcards featuring a selection of his most striking images. On the back of each postcard is an informative caption... czytaj dalej

Edward Hopper Catalogue Raisonne 4 vols
Edward Hopper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The definitive, complete catalogue of Edward Hopper's oils, watercolours and illustrations published in a magnificent three-volume boxed set is available once again. This extraordinary collection includes essays... czytaj dalej

Tiepolo & Pictorial Intelligence
S. Alpers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Tiepolo is a brilliant example of the specifically pictorial intelligence. This book is both a study of his art and an argument for fuller recognition of the peculiarities of the painters' representational... czytaj dalej

Collected Screenplays
W. Powell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most important Soviet filmmaker after Sergei Eisenstein, Andrei Tarkovsky produced only seven films in his lifetime. Catapulted into international recognition in 1962 with his first feature, Ivan's Childhood... czytaj dalej

Adolf Loos
August Sarnitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ludzkość kocha wszystko, co zapewnia jej komfort. Nienawidzi wszystkiego, co chce ją wyrwać ze zwyczajowej i bezpiecznej pozycji i co ją niepokoi. I dlatego kocha ona budynek i nienawidzi sztuki.... czytaj dalej

Reguły sztuki. Geneza i struktura pola literackiego
Pierre Bourdieu Wydawnictwo: universitas

Reguły sztuki Pierre`a Bourdieu to oryginalne studium procesów powstania i umacniania się nowoczesnej literatury, proklamującej własną autonomię w kulturze XIX i XX wieku, i zarazem pokaz własnej, nowatorskiej... czytaj dalej

Miniatura or Art of Limning
Edward Norgate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The book provides a detailed account of Norgate's life and many interests, his readership, and his technique. The editors -- a noted scholar of seventeenth-century art and an authority on the techniques and... czytaj dalej

Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonne v 1
Frei Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is one of the most iconic figures in twentieth-century art, an enigmatic man who not only altered the definition of art but also in his wake left a vast and staggeringly complex record... czytaj dalej

When Gold Blossoms The Susan Beingson Collection
M. Aikens Wydawnictwo: Philip Wilson

Ornamental forms in India are echoed from the walls of temples to the jewellery that drapes bodies to the surfaces of the jewellery itself. Drawing on a private New York collection, the book presents around... czytaj dalej