Genshiken tom 4

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A short time ago, college freshman Kanji Sasahara was struggling with an otaku identity crisis, but joining the Genshiken gave Kanji the confidence to fully embrace the otaku lifestyle. So when club president Madarame resigns from office, he pegs Kanji as the best candidate to fill his shoes. And what is President Sasahara’s first order of business? To create a Genshiken fanzine to sell at the next Comic-Fest, which seems to many like a bold step for the notoriously inactive Genshiken. Meanwhile, cosplay aficionados Ohno and Tanaka appear to be spending a lot of time together. Does that mean love is in the air?

Informacje dodatkowe o Genshiken tom 4:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2006-01-31
Kategoria: Komiksy
ISBN: 0345482425
Liczba stron: 176
Tytuł oryginału: げんしけん 4
Język oryginału: japoński


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Genshiken tom 1
Shimoku Kio0
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Shimoku Kio0
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