Daddy's Girl

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The undistinguished academic career of Natalie "Nat" Greco, a mousy and naive law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, takes an unexpected turn at the start of this less than compelling legal thriller from bestseller Scottoline (Dirty Blonde). When an attractive male colleague, Angus Holt, convinces Nat to accompany him on a teaching assignment at a nearby prison, a sudden riot puts them both in peril. Nat finds herself desperately attempting to save the life of a guard, apparently stabbed by an inmate during the fracas. The dying man asks her to pass on his last words to his wife, but possessing knowledge of this cryptic message proves dangerous. Nat finds herself accused of murder and must evade the law while also tracking down the bad guys. Her methods more often resemble that of Nancy Drew than an Ivy League professor, and the plot suffers by comparison with Peter Abrahams's gritty End of Story (2006), which makes better use of a similar theme.

Informacje dodatkowe o Daddy's Girl:

Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
ISBN: 9780060833152
Liczba stron: 396


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Daddy's Girl - opinie o książce

Inne książki autora
Córeczka tatusia
Scottoline Lisa0
Okładka ksiązki - Córeczka tatusia

W więzieniu, w którym Natalie Greco akurat prowadzi zajęcia ze studentami, wybucha bunt. Nagła erupcja nienawiści i przemocy doszczętnie burzy jej uporządkowane...

Dirty blonde
Scottoline Lisa0
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